World of Perfumes

World has come a long way so are we and so our culture and our traditions and living style. World has enough today to satisfy all types of senses that we have-vision, taste, olfactory and hearing. Our civilization has witnessed myriad wars, violence, triumph, jubiliation through the eyes of history , heard enough from crying souls, which tasted bitter, sour as well as sweet and smelled air of polution, filth, corruption and flames of anger. In such a scenario, one product has come a long way- Perfumes. Art of making perfumes is quite old. It started form Egypt and taken forward by Romans, Arabs and Islam. Islam offers due respect to perfumes, as Mohd. Prophet said, it is mandatory and holy to take bath for every muslim man on friday so as to spread soothing fragrance all around.In France, it became major item to be exported and contributed significantly to their economy.

Perfumes, as i know, from my chemistry knowledge, is a solution of perfumery oils, aromatic compounds and some alcoholic solvents. Few more things i know, thanks to organic chemistry esp to Finar, there are five major sources for such a chemical composition- Plant , animals and synthetic- so any perfume would have used any of these or a combination of these three sources to get into shape. Anyways, technically speaking, any olfactory item belongs to following families viz. floral, chype, aldehydic,fongere,leather,wooly, oriental, amber and citrus. All perfumes in this world would definitely belong to these olfactory families.

Yesterday, after shower, i sprayed one deo but could spray only few jets because i was using the same bottle for last so many months. I used my new deo, i observed difference in level of itching feeling generated by these two different brands. I noticed difference in concentration of aromatic comounds used in these two bottles. Point worth noticing is concentration and intensity are inversely proportional. Lesser the concetration more is the intensity. Based on this concetration these perfumes are classified as--Eau de Perfume( 10-30%), Eau de Toilette(5-20%), Eau de Cologne(2-3%)- indeed we are familiar with these words, in fact all perfume lovers would have seen it on the perfume bottles but we hardly care because we are just bothered by the type of brands, we are using.

When we peep into the modern market these days, we would notice that marts are infested with large number of brands. This industry offers such a lucrative ground to play upon that it has lured so many giants to launch their brands. It requires relatively less investment when compared to its intra-industry products which includes other skin-care products etc. Markets are flooded with curvy perfume bottles which come in different shapes, they look soothing to eyes and come with heavy price tag too- i seldom go in proximity of big brands like--- Diego, Boucheron, Dkny, True Star, Instinct to name a few among male colognes and being a bachelor it behooves me to keep myself away from big and expensive female perfume brands like-Angel, Shalimar, Marc Jacobs, Devotion, Gucci,Calvin Klein,Escada to name a few in this also.

All the perfumes companies big guns are into rat race to outperform in the international markets, these big brands are endorsing famous celebrities to market their brands, for instance, Enrique for True Star, Britney for Fantasy, Cher for Uninhibited. Well it is worth noticing, when our Madhuri Dikhshit is endorsing for Lux, Catherine Zeta Jones is doing the same for Provocative. Very few indian celebrities are endorsing for perfumes as very few indian companies are into this sector. But as far as market is concerned, India is significantly big market for perfumes. Indeed it has a long way to go...............................................


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