Shifted Consumer Axis

Over the years our civilization has witnessed large number of changes, which has revolutionized our lives. Life is no more a struggle now. It has been painted with luxury, embellished with frills, techno-torqued by all gizmos and gadgets. Markets are deluged with latest innovative products, potent enough to slake all pervasive thirst for acquiring new and trendy stuff, which has captured minds and thoughts of youngsters. Kids are not satisfied unless they have play-station, adorable Moms all over are ready to pirouette towards Techno-savvy society and want their kids too, to come along, to catch up with latest in the market. Strict Dads are also becoming friendly enough these days with kids and are willing to buy them gadgets. They are least bothered of the consequences and after-effects. Advertising industries, these days are busy in convincing potential customers to go for hair color change. Black seems to be an archaic thing these days, our soignée savvy ladies are going to catch up the latest action and frills available in the market which will give them a new, refreshing looks. Very soon, gene revolution will reach its pinnacle, gene copying has become possible, thanks to 2006 Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry, Roger Kornberg. Indeed, New and creative products have grabbed the right nerve of the denizens and making giant leaps, thereby making our life rosier.

Technology thrives with innovative and creative ideas, which are applied meticulously after studying the consumer nature. This involves surveys, customer research and many more tedious and time-guzzling activities. Corporate houses are busy titivating up their set up, so as to make the work atmosphere apt for such tasks of gifting consumers with the latest, innovative and all-new products, which not only makes life of junta comfortable but also gives them right value for money.

Companies give their best to get right picture from the society, so that they can divert their energies for that cause and to roll out new goodies well before anticipated time. This involves getting a pattern of consumers, in the society. For this, they conduct surveys based after segmenting societies on various parameters like Age Group, Purchasing Power, Sex, Location, Physical appearance etc. This is quite obvious because including females in the survey for latest Mach-6 Razor for instance, would make no sense, similarly including kids in the survey for eco-friendly condoms would be a gibberish idea.

Imagine, a scenario in which companies are conducting their surveys based on the races, caste and skin color. Definitely, in our country it won’t go unnoticed. It would give enough food for thought to opposition parties to frame a strategy against the ruling party, which might be supporting such companies. For the corporate gurus, this idea may seem good and fruitful but in real sense it will create a scene of chaos in our society. Albeit, corporates are trying hard to give their best but our disparate, segmented society would not allow them to do so. Muslim fundamentalists may have objections from Muslim ladies wearing skirt, conservative Indian families may not allow their kids wearing latest fashion, especially girls. In such a scene of unpredictability, launching new products may boomerang back to the corporates.

In this new world, we all should live with an open mind, no matter what our religious gurus are saying, we should be in a position to evaluate choices based on our priorities, our logic and social status. Today world is moving faster than every preceding moment, we all should also gear up to embrace innovative largesse from corporate houses. Unless predictability is injected in our vivid culture and disparate society, it is quite likely that we may end up getting products not worthy at all.


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