How to be Successful -10 Simple things

B eing Successful is easy and anybody can be successful but we should be clear on what makes us feel successful. More often than not, problem lies in hazy life goals and inability to clearly define our definition of being successful , as a result despite being successful we keep on cribbing about the kind of life that we have got. Few ideas which are in my mind on above subject I am writing it down so that it may help others too like it helped me. According to me everybody is successful in some way or other. Being healthy, having family, job, kids, house etc is a part of success. If you have kids and you thing that you are still unsuccessful think of those thousands of people who don't have kids due to some reasons. If you have job and you think success is yet to knock your door just think of those people who are still unemployed. If you think I have nothing but a life just think of those cancer patients who are on death bed. According to me algebra and s...