How to be Successful -10 Simple things

Being Successful is easy and anybody can be successful but we should be clear on what makes us feel successful. More often than not, problem lies in hazy life goals and inability to clearly define our definition of being successful , as a result despite being successful we keep on cribbing about the kind of life that we have got.

Few ideas which are in  my mind on above subject I am writing it down so that it may help others too like it helped me. 

According to me everybody is successful in some way or other. Being healthy, having family, job, kids, house etc is a part of success. If you have kids and you thing that you are still unsuccessful think of those thousands of people who don't have kids due to some reasons. If you have job and you think success is yet to knock your door just think of those people who are still unemployed. If you think I have nothing but a life just think of those cancer patients who are on death bed. 

According to me algebra and science of life is very balanced.It gives and takes back in equal proportion in order to maintain equilibrium. Think of Subroto Sahara, life gave him everything but he got incarcerated for such a long time, no doubt he will be a free man in near future but time he spent in jail for his misdeeds would definitely made him rethink about the way he led his life.

Remember- Life gives and takes back to repeat this cycle till the time we are alive !

For being successful first thing to do is to have a open mind to receive what we are getting. With frustrations in life & our problems, we have shut the doors of our brains and hence our achievements, happiness and our assets are not visible to us.Open it and see the difference.

Secondly, for any damn thing in life never look at others and never ever gave it a thought what others will think of you if you are embarking on any new so called idiotic idea that came your way. Just listen to your heart and do it.

Thirdly, live in present, understand the power of NOW. Present is very important and live as if its your last day and as if its never gonna come again so will you give a damn to your problems then ? This day -Today will never come tomorrow hence live your life fully.

Fourth, always remember whatever happens happens for good no matter how bad your experience is. When we say he is an experienced man then it means in life he had lots of bad experiences which might have given him real insight towards life. So just think and believe that there is no bad luck in life. (Just revisit Akbar-Birbal tale on this)

Fifth, We all should accept that we have seeds of success but we have sow them to reap the benefits. For sowing the seeds of success so as to get fruits out of them we need fertile land. This fertile land is your brain which should believe things that you CAN do and not just accept things which are of no relevance to you. 

Sixth, very often we come across this one line whenever we are going to approach a difficult task- "yeh baccho ka khel nahin hain". According to me all difficult tasks are only baccho kaa khel because kids are more open to learning new things and their brains are not filled with prejudices. So be like kids and understand its all baccho kaa khel and you will definitely be successful.

Seventh, Never ever let you your mind to get conditioned to the society around you because it lets you move only in limited domain much lesser than your capabilities. Just think of a baby elephant who is normally tied with a rope in legs which he cannot break when he is baby but that same elephant never even attempts to break that rope even when he is fully grown because all his life he tried doing it and he failed. today when he is capable to break it he is not trying. Don't be like that elephant, think that past failures will never stop you from trying anything new which can make you successful.

Eighth, this is important because I have experienced it several times. Our mind think in pictures and hence moment you think negative about any task your brain projects several pictures related to failures to believe that. For using your mind to help you in positive way- just listen good, speak good and look at good things only. If you want to be successful ,just think of what you will get when you get that success not the difficulties in reaching that success. Nothing comes free. Remember, difficulties and success are not related to each other. Make your brain open, sustain it and always think -"IT IS EASY".

Ninth, There is no word like risk in this world. It has been created by those faint hearted people who never dared to do anything different from the routine. If you are different just believe in NO RISK game.What people will say, what my uncle will think -"sabse bada rog kya kahenge log". Just forget it and do your work. 

Last, for being successful, just be happy, laugh , give happiness and share what you have-money, knowledge, wisdom anything that you can share. Respect your elders, peers everybody and you will get respect which will boost your self esteem. 

Be Good. Be Successful.

-Anurag Pandey


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