End of Season Sale
Indians are lucky as they get to enjoy all types of weather and season. Everyseason brings with its a whiff of celebrations & fun. People go on shopping binge as everybody wants to get new stock for the new season. Many outlets manage to meet their target but few who fail to make a kill resort to normal practice of turning towards displaying boards of "End of Season Sale". Word "SALE" has a strategic importance in Indian families. It emanates a positive vibrations which can suck money from anybody's wallet. "Sale" is such a tool which allows all shopkeepers to sell all their remaining stuff at no profit and no loss deal. Although for many it seems as if all of a sudden these businessmen have turned into GOD. They are giving 80% discount as if they are fools. In reality, they are not fools but the people who are greedy are fool. How a person can give you 80% discount? Price has to go down if you go back the supply chain-- dealers, wholesalers, facto...