End of Season Sale

Indians are lucky as they get to enjoy all types of weather and season. Everyseason brings with its a whiff of celebrations & fun. People go on shopping binge as everybody wants to get new stock for the new season. Many outlets manage to meet their target but few who fail to make a kill resort to normal practice of turning towards displaying boards of "End of Season Sale".

Word "SALE" has a strategic importance in Indian families. It emanates a positive vibrations which can suck money from anybody's wallet. "Sale" is such a tool which allows all shopkeepers to sell all their remaining stuff at no profit and no loss deal. Although for many it seems as if all of a sudden these businessmen have turned into GOD. They are giving 80% discount as if they are fools. In reality, they are not fools but the people who are greedy are fool. How a person can give you 80% discount? Price has to go down if you go back the supply chain-- dealers, wholesalers, factory outlets, direct factory? But this way it seems as if factory is realising its goods free of cost.

Many businesses have realized that Indian market is price sensitive. If you ask a person of average income to purchase of "Branded Blazer" worth INR 3000, he would shirk from this deal but on the contrary if the outlet labels it as INR 6000 and offer a discount of 50%, it will definitely auto-cajole that person to purchase it. Reason- his need & the brand he would get @ cheaper price. He feels an opportunity not to be missed to wear a branded cloth. "Koutons" - is such a brand. This brand or its company- Charlie operates on concept of 'Sale" only. Recently i have heard that this company posted a decent Q3 results despite slowdown. This company offers "sale" throughout the year. How can a company offer you a sale or discount throughout the year ?

Scene that you would see in the markets in "End of Season Sale"-- A family in a winter garments store cleaning off the sweat and purchasing coats, jackets,pullovers - may be for next winter season. A family in a cottons garments store wearing woolen purchasing- cotton t-shirts as they are available @ cheaper price. People buying raincoats, overcoats in October.

Logic behind offering sale by these merchants is that they don't want to stock the items as they don't have space and there is no guarantee that they can sell it in the next season. So people who come for sale help in clearing the stock of these merchants.

These days "End of Season Sale" in the real sense is happening in the corporate India. Cos running out of cash are selling their stakes, assets etc to stave off any downturn in their business.

Anyways, there is nothing wrong in offering and attending sale, as it offers a good outing in the weekends. You get a unique opportunity to see greed in the eyes of the people. (Everybody possess greed here. Few show it , few accept it by writing letters to authorities.) Opportunity to see people fighting over a coat as if who saw it first and who claimed it first as it was a last piece available at 75% discount. We all are Indians and together we possess all possible colors of any society. We are stronger Indians. We recently celebrated our 60th Republic Day (26/01) and condemned 26/11 attacks. We have cleared our old stock of weakness, debility, frailty and simplicity. We are strong and intelligent enough to fight virtually anybody.


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