Best Analysis of UPSC IES Exam- Helpful for IES 2015 and others

I present you all with the very best analysis of IES 2009 toppers. Their marks, no of correct questions and their portfolio of scores in various subjects. This will make the complex and hazy picture- ultra clear. This is what I did in very first month of my preparations after cramming the syllabus and before making strategies for cracking the exam. IES-2009 SCORES OF TOP 20 RANK GAT P-I P-II OBJ CONV-I CONV-II CONV TOTAL INT TOTAL 1 119 105 114 338 106 122 228 566 106 672 2 116 145 104 365 71 113 184 549 120 669 3 100 106 99 305 90 117 207 512 140 652 4 159 134 127 420 56 85 141 561 80 641 5 124 102 85 311 94 117 211 522 116 638 6 132 118 89 339 69 138 ...