Our CA God
O ur civilization was started from Adam and Eve, their love marked the beginning of mankind on earth. Later on, life witnessed spate of emotions and feeling elements which took the control of human life. Relations –friend, parents, siblings and the like , with whom, we share special bonding, we feel good when we are with them, we just cant imagine our life without them. Emotions like love, respect, lust, hatred, vengeance develop concomitantly with relations because as we all progress in our lives, we not only make friends but also enemies, which follows Human Entropy law which says for every positive element in life there exists a corresponding negative element . Life is a journey, we enjoy it, but as they say there should be someone to give you company, life then I think becomes rosy, everything seems good , we develop special bonding with him/her. We start planning our life, we set our objectives goals in which both the persons have an equal role to play. As time progresses, bonding...