Our CA God

Our civilization was started from Adam and Eve, their love marked the beginning of mankind on earth. Later on, life witnessed spate of emotions and feeling elements which took the control of human life. Relations –friend, parents, siblings and the like , with whom, we share special bonding, we feel good when we are with them, we just cant imagine our life without them. Emotions like love, respect, lust, hatred, vengeance develop concomitantly with relations because as we all progress in our lives, we not only make friends but also enemies, which follows Human Entropy law which says for every positive element in life there exists a corresponding negative element .

Life is a journey, we enjoy it, but as they say there should be someone to give you company, life then I think becomes rosy, everything seems good , we develop special bonding with him/her. We start planning our life, we set our objectives goals in which both the persons have an equal role to play. As time progresses, bonding grows deeper and deeper and a state is reached when you just cant live without him/her. Our elders shower us with blessings, most famous for women are “Saubhagyavati bhav” or “Putravati bhav” and for guys its –“ Chiranjivi bhav”.

As they say, all our activities, bad or good are being recorded in the house of God, he updates balance sheet of each one of us and as soon as it starts creating imbalance, that person is called back in “Narak or Swarg” ie. Death. Today when I rang one of my friends, he just said “yaar I m busy today as my wife is on fast for me –Karva Chauth.” I was surprised that we males are so important that for the well being of their husbands ladies keep themselves on fast which is too difficult- full day without food and water. I wonder whether such acts, affects our Chartered Accountant God but Indian ladies trust this genre of fasting, particularly Karva Chauth has been accorded importance because eons ago a lady called Karva forced Yama(God of Death) to grant her husband his life by keeping herself hungry –she finally succeeded, it is this conviction that matters.

All fine, but these days, our life is so unpredictable that very next moment we get a news that our very close friends’ wife died in an accident. It is totally unbelievable, it has created a painful disturbance whose vibrations are not setting. Just 10 months, of his marriage, we all attended it, he was blessed with a lovely, charming wife. We attended several parties together, but one fine day while driving on the road, a truck rams into you leading to your death, leaving so many crying souls, paining hearts. I don’t know, what our God has in store for all of us, I don’t know what accounting standards our GOD is following, but one thing I know for sure, its patently wrong on his part to inflict so much pain to us, he just cant snatch our loved ones from us and if he does so prematurely, its inhumane on his part. Surely, our God’s accounting standard should include clauses which are built up on foundation of relations and spate of emotions that emanate from there.


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