Silent Night

Clock is ticking 1 AM, it’s a peaceful night but I can hear some disturbance somewhere. I wonder what kind of commotion is this? specially late in the night when everybody goes to sleep to wake up early in the morning to start one more cycle of office-home-office, somewhere I feel the disturbance, silence as portrayed by night is just an illusion while I m typing this on my computer cursor is blinking on my computer screen, it appears as if it is trying to say that keep thinking, feeling, hearing your inner voices, disturbances which may not be happening in my vicinity but they may have a bearing on me. Indeed, its true.

I peep outside my window, I see silent roads disguising the appearance of an abandoned place but somewhere people are busy in planning to earn tomorrow’s bread, some are busy in planning to ditch their business rival, some are engrossed in their love life, few helpless people are struggling to have sound sleep, big guns are busy in making a diplomatic move to earn recognition, some dark cons are busy in fabricating a plot to make another terrorist attack. These days, when the world around us is turning more disturbing, violent with every passing moment, it may be quite likely that next morning we may come across to a petty incident which at first sight may seem innocuous , but this seemingly innocuous incident may spawn an embryo of religious riot,the very next day. This would come to me as a no surprise element because in just a short span of 25 years I have already witnessed large number of such incidents, which have happened around me right after every such seemingly peaceful nights.

What impresses me most is the fact that our society is blessed with large number of social activists who are successful and contented in their own domain but because of their ability to feel the disturbance behind every such peaceful and calm night coupled by their spirit to make a difference creates a difference. As aptly said ”To make your life count on this earth, invest it in those things which count” but where are we heading -- i may sound a bit philosophical here but practically speaking just imagine an incident when we had voluntarily donated a handsome amount for hundreds of street, hungry children on the contrary what behooves all of us -- apt and meticulous planning to invest in some of the most happening mutual funds or stocks….in order to get handsome return, yes of course, we are assured of the same as there are many investment companies hiring bright minds from big MBA houses of our country to manage our funds but we hardly spare a thought of investing our life for some good cause to make it count we keep on sleeping as if we are through with our duties, our responsibilities.

There is a need of serious introspection. But as they say..”Introspection is painful, avoid it”, painful indeed--Avoid it……and enjoy sleep……!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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