Beauty of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering is a beautiful branch of engineering. It’s been here since ages. It includes study & application of principles of mechanics, energy & fluid mechanics to create mechanical systems aimed at doing innumerable tasks.

As a course of study, it begins with learning fundamentals of statics & dynamics which forms the base. Along with it comes Thermodynamics which is again a fundamental subject which deals with study of heat, work and energy in the form of First, Second and Third laws. It also includes study of Availability & Irreversibility, Entropy, Real Gases, Thermodynamic cycles, Properties of Pure Substances like steam. All Thermal Power Plants work on principles of Rankine power cycle. This forms the basis of all Thermal Energy Systems. Fluid Mechanics is another subject which is taught with an objective to understand properties of various engineering fluids along with application of principles of statics & dynamics. In the first phase we learn Fluid Mechanics assuming fluids to be incompressible-Bernoulli, Potential flow, Flow net, Stream Function, Euler & Lagrangian approaches. Similitude and Dimensional Analysis (Buckingham Pi Theorem, Rayleigh Theorem) arms us with testing of equipments by making their scaled models. Dimensionless numbers like Reynolds, Weber, Froude No. come in handy in comparing performances of models and prototypes. After this, we start getting practical and feel that assuming fluids to incompressible is a deviation from real life engineering problems. Mechanical Engineering teaches us Gas Dynamics wherein we assume fluid to be compressible and concepts of Mach No, Rankine Flow, Fanno flow which are perfect amalgamation of fundamentals of Thermodynamics & Fluid Mechanics are unfolded.

While learning we start thinking that what about systems which interact with surrounding which are at different temperatures. At this point of time, we are introduced with another gem of Thermal Stream-Heat & Mass Transfer. In this we are introduced to all modes of Heat Transfer-Conduction, Convection & Radiation. In this area of study, we understand how all subjects are so intertwined and interconnected. During study of convection, we start appreciating the fact that its application of Fluid Mechanics to Thermal systems. Flow of fluids on hot surface like flat plates, concepts of boundary layer, Nusselt Number and calculations of Heat transfer coefficient takes the Centre stage. Study of Thermal stream of Mechanical Engineering is incomplete without study of Internal Combustion Engines, Refrigeration & air-conditioning & Fluid Machines. Study of IC Engines entails complete understanding of HT, Dynamics of Mechanical Systems. It basically includes study of various types of engines, combustion, fuels, emission analysis. RAC is a direct application of Thermodynamics-its study takes Reverse Carnot cycle as ideal system impossible to be reached. Various types of refrigeration systems –air, VC, VA are studied. It also includes study of moist air (Psychrormetry) which is the core theme of air conditioning system. Fluid Machinery includes Hydraulic Pumps & turbines-power producing and power absorbing machines.

Design and Manufacturing part of Mechanical Engineering is another world in itself. It begins with study of Theory of Machines wherein study, design & analysis of various mechanisms, linkages is done. Concepts of Grashof mechanism, inversions of various mechanisms which form the basis of various machinery that we see around us including steering mechanism of automobiles. Study of Gears, Cams, Belt, Chain & Rope drives is another area with which all Mechanical Engineers should be well versed. Mechanics of Materials (Strength of Materials, Mechanics of Solids) is taught wherein concepts of mechanics are applied to engineering materials with a view that all materials have different strength. This forms the basis of ME Design. With all this, budding mechanical engineers take a plunge into Mechanical Engineering Design wherein they learn principles of design-economy, value and strength. Without understanding the fundamentals of Engineering materials –design cannot be taught or understood. Properties of metals, alloys, composites, and ceramics are to be necessarily understood by all Mechanical Engineers which comes in handy while selecting the materials for various applications. Heat Treatment of Steels, Cast Irons, Fe-C diagrams should be thoroughly understood.

After Design, comes manufacturing. In manufacturing engineering, mechanical engineers are taught principles of metal forming, welding, metallurgy, casting, metrology, jigs & fixtures, advanced manufacturing processes like Abrasive jet machining, water jet machining, electro discharge machining. Modern Manufacturing concepts like CAD/CAM/CAE, FMS, Lean Manufacturing principles are taught as best practices of manufacturing systems.

With Thermal, Design & Manufacturing comes another stream- Industrial Engineering. It includes work study, time study, Forecasting, Quality principles, Principles of Operations Research which are optimization techniques.

With this much study-a mechanical engineer is a complete man armed with Engineering Principles mixed with management fundamentals. With so much to learn where every subject is a organized field in the Industry, Mechanical Engineering is a true Engineering in the real sense !


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