UPSC IES -Mechanical Engineering Final Snapshot for revision

Final snapshot of what needs to be focused during final revision is a must for any serious aspirant. This decides a definite syllabus to be attacked in order to crack the examination. Go through it and customize your final strategies accordingly.

Paper I:


  • TD Relations, Availability, IC Engines-Theory +Questions, Turbojet Numerical
  • RAC: Psychometrics, Bell, VC, VA, Air Refri
  • HT: Conduction (Res Concept), HX, Fins , Convection, Radiation ( Fg, emissivity, energy balance concepts)
  • FM:  B Application, Pitot, Similitude, B  Layer, Kinematics, Pipe Flow
  • Compressible Flow : Isentropic flow, Fanno, Rayleigh + Derivations
  • Fluid M/c: Pump, Compressors, Steam turbines, (concepts –vel diagram)

Objectives: 40 Q(FM)+ 25(HT+RAC) +30(TD,ICE)+25(FM-2)

Concepts grounding:
  • .       TD Relations: Tds Equations, joule coeff, C-C Eq, Availability ( 1st law + 2nd law)
  • .       Cycles of RAC + Compressors (single acting, double acting, volumetric efficiency, mass flow )
  • .       HT – Resistance concepts, Energy balance concept, Emissivity concepts(shape factors),LMTD, NTU
  • .       Compressible: normal shock, flow in nozzles (choking)
  • .       Fluid Machinery: Velocity Diagrams, Gen Formula for WD, efficiency


  • Balancing – rots, Reciprocating( Coupled, Uncoupled), Inline, V, Radial
  • Flywheels, Governors, Gears, Gear Trains, Vibrations (fundas)
  • MD: Belt Drives, Cotter, Power Screw
  • MOS: Beams, torsion, thin vessel, failure theories, columns
  • Fe-C Diagram –should be able to make it and explain all micro constituents
  • PE: PM, HERF, EDM, Thermit, Arc, Modern welding, Casting, Metal cutting
  • IE/OR: forecasting, jhonson, line balancing, Queus, PERT/CPM,TP, AP, LPP


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