Frequently Asked Questions by an IES Aspirant

These questions were asked by me to a topper when I was preparing and he answered as under. Thought to share it with you all.

Ways and means to fetch more marks in Conventionals ?

You have to be specific in conventionals. I recall that I had written very to the point answers. There were some 2 markers too where I had written just couple of lines answers. In numericals, i used to write down given data, then assumptions (if any), then a figure and after that it was plain solving without much explanation. I am not sure if this is correct strategy, but I did that. 
-How to deal with sticky theory questions, how much is sufficient ?

As I said, give correct and to the point answers. Write pointwise if possible. Don't give unnecessary details.  
-Any strategies for compulsory question for 20 small 2 mark questions in Paper -II !

 - I have answered that one above.  
-Similar strategies for Paper-I ?

As outlined above 
-Any plans for General Studies for IES...!!

I was lucky here as I was preparing for civils at that time. However, I believe you should concentrate on it as in the case you get low score in other papers, this paper helps you. You can see the last 10 years papers and ensure that you are comfortable answering them. That means you would be reading some extra books, so weigh in the cost/benefit ratio as GS is only half of General ability paper. I think if you study Tata Mc Graw Hill's general studies book that should do. However, I am not aware of latest trend. So see the trend and decide. I don't think you have enough time to prepare like civil services aspirants, who read many books on the subject, each dedicated for one topic like polity, history etc. Don't take too much pain too, because if you are really good in engineering subjects, you can make do with relatively less preparations here. But be wary, this might change your ranking. 


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