Today when i was going through the TOI, i got stuck with these captions of an article and i couldnot resist myself reading that article fully. Well thats the first change that i have felt after getting married- read read and read any article with captions like "married, or marriage etc". Not because everything is not fine, its coz of that extra craving to cross the perfection which in reality never happens.

I would humbly say that its quite early for me to vouch that "marriage is a bliss or not" coz every thing has a warranty and i m into that phase. Once this guarantee period is over , i would in a better position to comment whether -Marriage is bliss or not. However, the other question- do we really change after marriage ? Answer is perfect and clear -'YES" We do change and all changes happen for good and for maintaining harmonious relations with the environment at home and around.

Sleeping late is a passe ! What was that waking up late i have forgotten but i have a hazy picture in my mind that i used to get off bed 15 min before my office time and i used to get ready in just 15 mins and rush to office. Well that was possible because i used to skip bath, breakfast and sometimes brush [in emergency when i used to get off 5 mins before my office time]. Now , i wake up whopping 1 hour before my office, after morning ablutions [ unfortuntely bath is also included :( ] , breakfast and newspaper i have time to play pranks at my wife and she does too. After that last 5 mins of playful pranks [ in which i earlier used to get ready - c the contrast] , i manage to reach office at time. Oops ! i dont manage - i reach office at time, hope my wife is not reading this !

Shopping and more shopping !! Every sunday is a shopping day after marriage. Yes, every sunday there is a cycle which completes itself and gives the output list, a loong list indeed. Visits to all branded outlets become common. Many a times, first we observe an item and then we start thinking how can this item be adjusted in our home to accetuate its beauty. It is now that i could understand "Reverse Engineering" concept. I play with it every sunday. Wall hangings to new bedsheets, sofa covers to new kitchen appliances. Credit cards start crying and visit to and becomes daily routine. Every sunday atleast once i feel i earn less. but all that is fun but that fun is never completed unless we visit the food plaza in the mall itself. God knows what happens to home kitchens after marriage, they also go on holiday on sundays.

Myth: Every bachelor experiences a surge in his phone bills once in a life time- period between engagement and marriage.
Reality: There is no peak in the phone bills coz every month we see a new peak.
Reason is a big circle which we have to deal with now. My mom n dad, her mom n dad, my frenz, her frenzz, my relatives her relatives etc. Its obvious though but its a thrill to see a new peak every month. I dont know, what happens to all frens also, they also start behaving in a weird manner. One common comment you will recieve after marriage form your frens is : "Bhool gaye yar humey shaadi ke baad ". Why ? Why i am going to forget you just coz i m married now. To maintain status quo in the relationships with frenz, i call them regularly now.

Investments: Yes only after marriage i started thinking of this. Before that i knew only expenditures and investments and savings was an alien to me. Reason why i started thinking of investments and savings is: to meet urgent needs. I dont know why we guys start feeling that urgent needs only after marriage. Anyways, thats a good thing i have started investing now and planned for my savings also.

Curtain: I dont know why my house has got so many windows and doors which are shouting fortissimo for curtains, as if purchasing curtains is a easy task. Believe me guys, this is the toughest task to do, and in your house too if you have to plan for 18 doors and windows, its gonna be a hardest nut to crack. Drawing room has got special privilege in the home. That room of the house is given 5 star importance but what about other rooms, afterall they are also part of our house. Ofcourse yes, but drawing room is the showcase of your house. Remember!

Kitchen: Believe it or not. I was startled to see our interest in updating ,dotting and punctuating kitchen with latest items and trendy cutlery. Fridge is a integral part of kitchen it has to be in kitchen as if you place it outside you may be asked several times to give the milk packet placed in it no matter how busy you are with your movie. Tip: Always keep your fridge in the kitchen for your own good. I heard of plastic sheets for the first time for the wall almirahs. I used to use newspapers for that purpose but i dint knew that newspapers look cheap. Ofcourse they are cheaper than expensive plastic sheets with frills. But then it adds beauty to your house. I am happy.

I personally feel marriage is the best thing that can happen to anybody. Only after getting married i have started thinking responsively, caring relations, planning for my future et al. We go so many highs and lows in married life [ofcourse i have lot to see yet]which tests our relationship. It is this process which pulls us both together.Best thing in being married is that you have got someone [during times when whle world turns a blind eye towards you]who is there for you, looking at you smiling !! Marriage is bliss or not i cant comment now but i can vouch its the best thing that has happened in my life !!

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!!! GARGI !!! said…
kisi ki shaadi ke baad yeh saare din aate hain...aur haan kitchen ko bhi to rest ki zaroorat hain y nt sundays...
waise tumhara yeh blog aur tumhari surat dekh kar-jis par tassali se khushi thi- to yahi lagta ahin ki marriage is a bliss..!!!
Joydeep said…
Awesome write-up Pandey ji...:)
Nice one Anurag!

Something to keep and read after may be 5-10 years ;-))

Marriage ia indeed a bliss. I can vouch...but we need to be utterly careful, responsible, balanced, articulative, sensitive and accomodating. One needs to spend some time to realize it. Unfortunately, some of these good-to-have-virtues-for-great-marital-life wear out with time, and that is when all the jokes about "before-after marriage" and "Pati-Patni-Jokes-with-Bechara-Pati" start to make funny sense. More than what you have written, I am just so happy that you realized marriage was the best thing to have happened to you! That should be the spirit!! Keep it up, and wish you both a long-lon era of marital bliss, harmony and peace.
Mj said…
Apt guide to prepare mentally for after marriage life..... looks like impossible to me but indeed it happens and you have to go through it to experience it.

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