GAME called LIFE

Life is a game and one should always be ready to face its googly anytime. It will catch us unawares, we will be surprised at the tricky situation life poses at us and we have no solution for that. We would feel frustrated, helpless & exasperated and in the end the one who tries to get out of that tricky situation finds a way out of that maze and he succeeds in cracking an undecipherable code of life. This is the way we all should look at life and address our relations.

We move with lots of people, we talk with friends, we dine out with loved ones and freak out for crazy activities with our buddies .....during all these activities we are unconsciously cracking that "code" of life. Depending on level of maturity , sensibility and intelligence- sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail. When we are with a group we tend to lose our individuality and drape ourselves with a general pattern of behavior and silhouette of the group. We work with consensus , we face scuffles with our friends but we manage and enjoy.

Life at times also tries to strip our disguised personality and exposes our individuality to the group and depending on the image of that naked individuality, people start admiring or abhorring that person. Let me think, literally what will happen when our individuality starts melting away after being stripped by life. What we will see ? Skin, blood, bones...what else...this is what we all are made up of. Something which we all dont want to see at all. Isn't this ironical ? We abhor and avoid something which we all are made up of. While moving on a road if we happen to see a skeleton -we would scream or get scared rather than thinking of it as an individuality stripped of its coatings & embellishments. We all are like this. Be it workplace, school, college, malls, cinema theatre everywhere we tend to behave which we are not. We lose our individuality and try to adjust with the people around.

Let us put this case of individuality to a practical situation. Imagine a party is going on a cruise in the middle of Atlantic ocean on a starry night, where everybody is enjoying with his/her loved ones. Everybody admiring the ones who they look upto. Everyone in the party is part of a group which in crude sense is a minute form of "crowd". This crowd would move normally without any commotion unless its stability is pricked. Once this is done, a chaos would grip the whole group called "crowd" and everybody would start thinking about themselves and will forget about who is old and who is frail. This happens when we step out of "group individuality" to step into "self individuality" and this is what actually happened when Titanic sank in the vastness of the Atlantic ocean. Everybody on the cruise was moving comfortably and the system was stable till the point when its stability was pricked when it collided with a frozen glacier.

We are living in a world where everything is in a state of flux- Govt changes, prices are unstable, we change girl friends, switch to new job, buy new brands .. etc but we donot change. We should not change because life is game and we are practicing its rules and rehearsing to be successful in this game for the last "n" number of years [ n >> number of years since we are born] and when we have become perfect why should we change ourselves now ? Isn't that stupid ? We all have come here to win, then who cares for our own self or our alter ego. We tend to slip into different personalities without any qualms and thereby learning rules of the this game called LIFE.


!!! GARGI !!! said…
hey anurag
really a nice blog
i appreciate ur way of showing us the reality in such a beautiful way...
as we r aware of this hard fact still we fear to face it......
i really liked it..

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