Cricket --A Shattered Dream---

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What do you think is so potent, so extensive, so contagious which grips 100 million Indian citizens in one go..??? Is it Rakhi Sawant's Item song..? Is it Manmohan's Speech ? Is it CNN-IBN News ? Is it Yash Raj's new release ? Nope....

It is something which has got tremendous penetration- be it Delhi or Kanyakumari, Surat or Assam, its ubiquitous with equal energy and effects. It is present in narrow lanes of Hyderabad to Shivaji stadium of Maharashtra, its in heart of every Indian, people cancel all appointments to enjoy it. It is cricket. Never in the past something had been more famous than cricket and nothing is more contagious than cricket and nothing can replace the popularity of cricket in the years to come. So what is it that makes cricket such a popular sport in India ?

Before answering this question, i would like to go back to the basics first. What is popularity ? What are the attributes which when combined together becomes so potent that it starts ruling millions of hearts ? Anything first attract people for its unique charm and attraction. There is always some common fabric that binds all people for the special liking for this game. Is it Patriotism ? Nope ! Had it been so then our countrymen would have shown the same magnitude of interest for other games also where India participates.

It is the sense of equality which every Indian feels while watching cricket match. During a cricket match we don't hesitate to ask a autorickshaw waala for the current scores and he also feels happy in telling you the scores. Indian team is a judicious mix of all religions - we see players from all parts of our country and all when play together represent individual passion and spirit for the game which we all Indians share at the same time. During the cricket match, we all feel the same thing- we are Indians, never in our daily lives a moment comes when we all Indians at the same time feel the same, not even during 26th Jan & 15th Aug.


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