What is so potent, it passes effortlessly from mother to child…from generation to generation?”

Give it a thought......?? Hmm.....many answers..huh....Life, Emotions, Feelings.....in reality the kind of response to this question would prove the kind and expanse of thinking we all have. We live a contended life, we get breakfast, we take lunch, we take dinner and besides all this we also indulge ourselves in enjoying .."sabka thanda ek"
et al....How..and Why..??

We live in a country where development is taking place at a very fast pace , we are challenging developed economies in various fields and we have enough disposable income to shell out for sth to eat besides regular diets.....result ....opening up of retail food outlets. like...McD, Pizza Hut, Yo China.....for coffee freaks >>...Barista, CCD etc...where they charge more than what they actually spend to prepare that stuff but v all pay happily.. i would never mind to shell out 100 bucks for Russian Frappe @ Barista and Vijay Malaya would never mind to shell out 500 bucks for a cup of coffee @ 7* Hotel, it depends on financial cushion you have to bear the shock of your spending habits. Newayz...what i m trying to hint writing all this...about money and fooding habits...m giving hints to answer my question-- What is so potent , it passes effortlessly from mother to child from generation to generation?

We get various forwarded mails daily being circulated from various parts of world. Few portray gruesome act of brutality in Iraq, few are comic and few r knowledgeable...i remember reading a mail which listed various facts like--- Place where Success comes before Work? Which family of words start and end with the same alphabet ? What is that which you cant wet ? What goes up and down the hill but never moves ? I would like to answer the second question - it is family of continents -Asia, America, Australia, Europe, Africa, Antarctica. Its true that all words start and end with the same alphabet but not all are having same level of development and level of living. In many countries of Africa people don't get food even once a day . Here people die of hunger, starvation and malnutrition. Here mothers transfer their hunger to their child and they are doing so through ages. It passes effortlessly because its a natural process and ladies give birth to malnourished babies. So its HUNGER which passes effortlessly from mother to child - so deadly that it kills 25000 people a day. ...........................................................................................................


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