Shades of Success n Failures

It was seventh semester in my Engg college and placement fever was picking up. Many friends joined MBA coaching instis to brush up their aptitude and vocab skills. I didnot joined that rat race as i was more concerned for my suckin acads. I was through with my vocab stuff and was busy collecting past question papers of different companies which visited our campus for PPT and final placements. My Hit List was clear- either Tata Motors or TCS.

Preparations were going on nicely, campus was abuzz with placement activities, guys were busy with sth be it final year project or placement prepzz or competitive exams. An air of determination and sincerity was apparent in all my college friends.

After lots of jugad and magajmaari we managed to get some sample questions of past year Tata motors placement questions. Man...they were really difficult..we all thought ..if they gonna ask questions of this frequency we better change our hit list....but NO...we are not weak ass ..we all spoke in unision..and started gearing up for the D-day. Sample questions were pasted on almost all notice boards. Those questions were only point of discussion those body bothered whatz happening with Urmila and who watched latest porno clip..mms whatever..those days DPS clip was in news...but v poor chaps were not having cell phones ...i think that was okay..v were not gizmo freak otherwise we would not have been sitting here where v r today..

Just before the final dates were announced we had to talk our PPO 4 times a day ..he was famous as "Daddoo" --man with tight big tummy and man of shitty attitude...he would always discourage you by saying u guys are not even worth of sitting for such big companies like TATAs....v alll used to feel like killing him at that very moment but v all used to control our nerves thinking that afterall he is our Placement Officer...

On the D-Day , we had Pre Placement talk in which TML guyz briefed us of the pay package and a promo video at that moment we all were feeling as if one day v all wud become gr8 automobile engineers. Anywayz things went well, i cleared the written exam dunno how..paper was damn tough but since it was a relative performance that too with just campus guys...i managed to get thru the written part of the selection process...then we all had to appear for GD process. We all were segregated into groups of eight and were given a group was second to enter. We all were made to sit in semi circle and were handed over a sheet of paper and pencil...moderator was a smart, good looking lady..she instructed us how to conduct our gd, rules, time and overall asked us to come to a consensus through discussion. We all had our GD for 10 minutes..all fighting for job that too for Tata.....GD went well...and in just 15 minz lady was ready with the list of student she thought are worth giving chance to appear for interviews...

She started calling names... Prashant, Jayant Sharma, Ajay Singh..................list concluded...I was wondering whrzz my name...????? Soon i realized i have not been selected...for a fraction of second i thought that ahh....i missed it....then i broke into tears..i dunno why those tears came out of my eyes...but i realized they came out coz i was hurt with the results tht too after hard work and serious preparation...The guys who got thru were jubiliant and started preparing their files for interviews and i was standing in the corner watching them as if i m useless.....i again tht..ahh....shit...i missed it..damn it...fuck me.....but soon i realized that may b it was not my destiny...things never come ur way as per ur aspirations.. whatever one gets in life gets it through a proper design which life has prepared for all of us [Watch movie: Final Destination about Design of Death]. No one can outrun his destiny. This is how i convinced myself of my failure.
*********Coming up success part......*********


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