Cyberspace- A Dangerous Passion

Extraordinary number of people spend extraordinary amount of time with extraordinary people for extraordinary pleasures when they go online. Internet attracts hell lot of people from all over the world huddled over their desktops n laptops busy-- chatting, emailing, finalizing business deals, dating and what not. Internet picked up pace in late 90s and its now spreading at light’s speed. There is hardly any part of the world which has not witnessed the magic of www. Software professions call it “Cyber space”.

To me it conjures up a little bit different image. It’s a world which has got ample space to accommodate large number of feelings and emotions of all those who are solitary, unhappy and incomplacent with what they have or it’s a medium of communication which engenders many new relations. Relations built up on internet are at times better than offline counterparts. Unlike offline world, people start chatting online with an unknown person, here people shed all inhibitions whatsoever and are able to speak freely, and imagination paints all walls of passion and seduction and this makes them feel light, healthy and contended. Indeed, online relationships can be unusually seductive. They are readily accessible, they move very quickly, and under the cloak of anonymity, they make it easy for people to reveal a great deal about themselves which may or may not be fruitful.

Yesterday I was watching a movie which was based on “dangerous obsession” of a lady for a married man. Man’s wife was pregnant and rarely did they use to have sex, so husband decides to explore the online world for some chic to pass his time. He hits the online world and finds one girl, after just 2-3 chat sessions, lady develops a strong obsession for that man and decides to have a relation with him. Finally man refuses to accept her and the lady, burning in the fire of passion and seduction ,decides to intrude into his personal life to make it hollow and frail. What's so ironic about using the internet is that it's a solitary activity that leads to social contact-while it isolates users from their own families, the people in the very next room. One reason it does this is that Internet use is almost addictive; the rewards of contact are so immediate and so pleasurable. And while cyber relationships can be more sincere and open than offline relationships, they also leave a great deal of room for deception. The trouble with deception is that it kills intimacy and ruptures trust in the primary relationship.

I don’t think that online relations are going to eclipse offline ones but most feasible and logical prognosis would yield us that advent of internet relationships will ultimately force us to relax our view of romantic exclusivity and romantic betrayal and it could have an impact on the way we conduct offline life and even change our view of infidelity.

Well, hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it.


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