Modern LoC – Layers Of Change

In this material world, everything is changing and moving at a fast pace. Sensex riding the sinusoidal wave of bearish and bullish sentiments, market and people sentiments flickering with the fluctuations in the markets. Diplomatic relations are getting trapped in an unending cycle of successful and unsuccessful parleys, scientific discoveries keep on taking place and will take place, thereby giving new dimension and horizon to person’s thinking and way of life, film industry –so called mirror of Indian society are delivering and will keep on delivering its goodies in the form of material movies to the people, which entertains them for three hours, media industry busy in gathering fresh breaking news and Page 3 items which effectively has no relevance rather than showing stark realities of societies just because they are also in to crap competition of grabbing top TRPs , manufacturing companies busy in rolling their new and innovative manufactured products thereby justifying their existence, R&D organizations busy in mooting different ideas to the Central ministries to get the funds in the name of development of those Technologies which will benefit and change our country, service industries are into endless competition of rendering best service to their potential customers, students are busy securing a place in the industry for themselves because, they know, in the name of crass vote bank politics, our ministers can surpass all possible limits, working class people, once out from home, are stuck in the busy schedule of office and work thereby becoming ignorant of their relations back home—In this framework, where everything is changing, there are few things which should not change- Relations and Ethics.

Many a times, I have heard people saying, one should change oneself with time and they confidently bolster their argument with a clichéd one liner –“change is the only constant in this universe”. Yes, I do agree, we all should change to keep pace with life, otherwise we won’t be in a position to deliver required momentum to our lives, but I disagree with the proposition that we all should change our values, which form the substratum and a safety net in our lives, on which we all play our game of life, relations, which I feel is the oxygen of life, had there been no relations in this world, we would not have been living so happily as we do today, basic reason lies in oft-repeated saying “Man is a social animal”.

We all should strive to maintain status quo of few things in life which in essence are—our values and relations. I find it disturbing to hear that, all talented, young officers, at the time of joining are 100% pure, devoid of even an iota of corruption, ready to take on challenges and to render yeoman’s service but unfortunately, later on, when they submit their morality, ethics, values in the hands of corrupt and morally depraved ministers, their own self-image breaks in to shards, scatters on the earth and licks its own blood. As long as they are subservient to top guns of power, they thrive, once deviated, they are thrown out of mainstream without any qualms to fend for themselves. Having this scenario on the cards, they are forced to release the grip of morality and values, and they let themselves flow in the river of corruption and filth.

Some more than 50 years back, there were stalwarts like Pandit Nehru, Gandhi et al who had a vision of taking our country-India to the dizzying heights of success. Pandit Nehru ji, took initiative and laid foundation of modern India we are presently living into. He opined that development of any country lies in its ability of being self-dependent, so he went ahead and gave clearance to the establishment of giant PSUs of its own kind in our country, which made our country self-sufficient in at least those areas, in which these PSUs are working. But while framing vision for our country, they made some standard assumptions that, we all will work honestly, with full dedication, our country would be devoid of corruption, our personal priorities will take back seat, but alas these assumptions are no more valid today. They were so volatile that they got evaporated in the flames of stygian anger and heat of hatred, vengeance and corruption. We are left with a structure which is frail and dilapidated. Recent Volcker’s report, Telegi’s case findings serve as healthy testimony to this.

Movie- Rang De Basanti, popularly known as RDB, endeavored to exhume hidden truths and tricks with which ministers play and how hoi polloi’s proclivity to turn blind eye towards immoral and nasty acts of ministers, leads to travesty of justice in which such tainted persons go scot-free. Latest Hindi movie Rocky made a mature effort of portraying consequences of being deaf, blind and dumb towards rising crime in the society and unless responsible citizens take onus on their shoulder, it’s nearly impossible to weed out crime from our society. I am not whetting all to become like Rocky, fight with spectacular stunts, as Zayed Khan did in this movie, I m just saying that we all can cooperate with the system thereby facilitating the deliverance of unambiguous verdict from the courts of law.

This change has so much power and potency, which has diverted and distracted millions of minds, while being directed in wrong direction, just imagine a world in which this change would take shape in the positive sense thereby leading to utopia of Modern World. Let the air of change shower peace, happiness and a sense of cornucopia all around, to make life of each and every person on earth a blissful experience.


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