Vicious Circle of Pooja and Rituals

Gods in hindu mythology have always been accorded the highest pedestal of respect and reverence. All hindus are sacrosant for their feelings and emotions for Gods and godesses. I wonder in how many forms these people worship the same eternal and immortal entity. I believe we hindus and Indians in particular are an inveterate followers. We start following , copying and if i try to be euphemistic , they try to emulate those who by sheer hard work, dedication and meditation have been successful in establishing a so-called connection with the GOD and have achieved "Nirvana". In our country, India, where there are as many as 18 languages and multitudes of cultures, we are never complacent in worshipping one GOD or one IDEAL.

For a same hindu family, Lord Rama is equally important as Lord Krishna ( accorded high respect coz of GITA gyan he delivered), equally potent as Lord Hanuman (nobody can just ignore him), equally pure and "shubh" as Lord Ganesha (Ganapati Bapa Moriya---a hackneyd one liner during month of september). Celebrations for Maa Durga popularly known as Nav durga parva, it runs to the length of 9 dayz as there are 9 Devis and each day being nominated for a particular Devi, closely followed by Dusshehra and Diwali. Pooja and rituals are indeed seamless.

We all celebrate Dusshehra every-year, and we all kow ofcourse ita bacially a celebration of victory of GOOD over EVIL. Few dayz back, few people came to my place and asked me to contribute 50 bucks for Dusshehra celebration. I asked him , how you people are going to celebrate this, "We will organize Ram Lila and will showcase the death of Ravana thereby portraying vistory of Good over evil"-he quipped. For me its nothing more than a caricature, nonsensical theatrical performances to earn money rather than assimilating its essense and crux.

We have been celebrating this festival for aeons but till date it has not assured crime-less city , Ravana-rid society. What we all are witnessing unfortunately is rising crime graph which in some sense, good for Ram Gopal Verma. Had there been no crime at all, he would not have ventured into making films like Company and Shiva.

What i feel is rather than involving oursleves in such types of activities, we all should try to look into our own GOD and try to follow what is right and morally correct. Its patently wrong for a corrupt and tainted person, who, having killed his inner GOD, worshiping whole night to satisfy worldy GOD.We all need to channelize our positive energies for the betterment of society. Nothing we ll achieve in chating "Ganapati" or " Ram Ram".

But being a Hindu Brahmin i cant keep myself aloof from such rituals, so wish u all Happy Nav-Ratras".


Best line of this blog is "inspiration for Ram gopal verma" from our crime toppled is as gud as always.....

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