Spiralling Monotone of Life

Unlike Greek Philosophers, who opined that world sets in to more disordered form with each passing era, i believe in flip-side of this belief. I beleive LIFE becomes more ordered, better, improved than before everytime. Modern world view has surpassed old machine view, christian views of world. modern world view transcends everything as regards morality , ethics and principles. So is it not an irony.....if every passing era is replaced by a better ,ordered era then how about the negative picture delineated by great philosophers of the same positive era ?
What intrigues me is this irony but one more thing that bothers me these days is MONOTONE every passing time is more ordered, systematic, better than before but if i look at my life, its kinda trapped in spiralling monotone .Every morning i wake up ,rush to office office,work for 9 odd hourz there , then come back home, totally drained, left with zilch of energy ,which is hardly sufficient to charge one to start something creative or interesting at home. I switch ON the TV,read newspaper and more often than not i m caught with a fast sleep umawares.
I open my eyes, its again the next day,have to rush to office :(
Newayz, i m trying to jump out of this spiralling monotone of LIFE soon :)
Till then,


Gud sart, pandey..though "spiralling Monotonous"....Its very earthy, and very much true for each "run of the mill" professional.....professional ....what a gud word coined by Circa...to replace "Pigs"...
Anurag said…
Thanxx Ajay...ur inspiration has alwayz motivated me to do all good things in LIFe..!! i suppose this precisely says it all..!!
mind boggling!!! had to re read it several times..bfore it went in to my head........INCREDIBLE!!
Anurag said…
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