Algebra of Irrelvant Variables

LIFE has been a puzzle for many aeons because of its complex variables of "worldly" algebraic system of Equation. Those who could understand and comprehend the nature of variables and their interrelation be it positive correlation or negative, lived happily but those who could not , continue to live in a chaotic state finding values of this complex algebraic system of Life. There is no standard system of equations, it get shaped up over the years with number of thoughts, ideas, views, sentiments cobbled in the minds of fellow human beings on earth , those who are clear and cocksure of their goals , they are potent and cognizant enough to understand this labyrinthine algebraic system in threadbare details, but who dont unfortunately end up living usual but frenzied life joining the rat race of getting "nothing" out of this biggest largesse from our Divine Father. One more thing worth contemplating is the complexity of this system which is directly proportional to the kind of outlook each one of us keeps towards various things which are juxtaposed along the course of our prepaid sojourn on this earth.

Variables are those entities whose values are variable and it depends on system with which it is linked. Nature of the algebraic system plays a greater and prominent role in making the system easy or complex. There are several variables which are common to many and pursuit for getting values of such variables requires living a "JUST" life, enjoying what we have, being complacent with what we have and to understand our capabilities. But, unfortunately many of us involve ourselves in getting values of those variables which are not useless per se , but not good either. It is this pursuit which i feel makes this algebra a system of endless solutions. Right from the beginning, rather than understanding and realizing good or bad, we start looking at life from pleasure vantage point and this is where , a spiraling de-crypting starts which unfortunately never ends, even after death.

Relevant variables are easily achievable and perhaps amongst the first few variables for which we all strive to get solution are are successful also and if we proceed in this fashion, the system will never go haywire rather in that case it would be a system having "n" equations in "n" variables for which finding solution is possibly everybody's cup of tea. But rather than zeroing in on these so called "standard variables", we all indulge perversely into pursuit of "crap variables" whose values are rather imaginary, not at all real, and if at all one succeeds at getting these values, he would never be sure of its results as there is no standard of imaginary numbers with which we can compare.

Pursuit for Power and Money are the biggest and most potent "irrelevant variables" of LIFE. Its pursuit basically follows 'law of diminishing returns', more we think of it , lesser we get that too at the expense of costliest resource "TIME". What we all see these days around is an endless race to amass as much money as possible which is independent of amount of money one already has in his coffers. People first fight incessantly to come into "POWER" by spending oodles of "MONEY", once ensconced successfully into the seat of power, they once again start with the same desperation in gathering the lost money by the route of serpentine pathway of corruption. In doing so, their moral fibre gets torned, ethics and values submitted to fire, left with a material body with a "tainted mass of few grams" on the top of the bodily frame which ejaculates perverse emotions of fullness after slaking their thirst for money.

Problem of hot pursuit of power and money is so grave that our economy also suffers. It has gripped our economy form its vitals which is withering away the potent layers. Disproportionate distribution of income, power, insensible and illogical tax system, deplorable supports to reservation inter alia, are among those few sub-variables which emanate from the same source
and eats out the vitals. Harshad Mehta shiponed off money form securities market to the tune of Rs 3500 Crores and he could do that with perfection by hobnobbing with corrupt politicians and kowtowing tainted beauracrats, creating imbalance in the indian economy, Since this world follows universal law of "ENTROPY"- which says a disorder at one place is balanced with an equal amount of order at some other place, but this algebraic system even defies this and what i notice is our own "Algebraic version of Entropy law", which says no matter how much disorder we create at one place, it is independent of disorders happeneing at other places. Let us analyse the consequences of these two versions of "Entropy" laws. Former, ie actual definition entails balancing of money, if money is being siphoned off, unethically from one place then equal amount of money must be pumped into the system from some other point in order to maintain balance.This money can come from taxes, duties and the like. Latter system entails siphoning off of money from different places at different times, which are mutually exlusive (as per this new worldly law) and are not going to affect the system.

We must strive to make our algebraic system as simple as possible. Even if we are into hot pursuit for money, let it be justified like Lakshmi Mittal, he is the richest man, he might not have the same amount of money as today as he had 20 years before . This is definitely not a phyrric victory rather its an outcome of his sheer hard work, dedication and applications of "just" logic and intelligence, that he could gather pelf sufficient enough to fill any worldly coffer.This is morally correct way of doing things and looking at complex system called life unlike many in our country, who are ignorant of their own capabilities and make dreams as big as for instance 'having our own property in all countries of world'. Our life is mortal, short, we all should utilise this biggest ever largess from GOD sensibly, logically and intelligently so as to avoid any future repentance. We all should realize our own importance and our roles in this "worldly algebraic system" which replicates in front of us as our Society, our Nation. We can play our roles successfully, provided we are devoid of negative energies, together we can solve all complex systems provided we ignore "IRRELEVANT" variables of this "Algebraic System".


It is master piece...U r gr8 with uor Language...

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