
Showing posts from September, 2006

Algebra of Irrelvant Variables

L IFE has been a puzzle for many aeons because of its complex variables of "worldly" algebraic system of Equation. Those who could understand and comprehend the nature of variables and their interrelation be it positive correlation or negative, lived happily but those who could not , continue to live in a chaotic state finding values of this complex algebraic system of Life. There is no standard system of equations, it get shaped up over the years with number of thoughts, ideas, views, sentiments cobbled in the minds of fellow human beings on earth , those who are clear and cocksure of their goals , they are potent and cognizant enough to understand this labyrinthine algebraic system in threadbare details, but who dont unfortunately end up living usual but frenzied life joining the rat race of getting "nothing" out of this biggest largesse from our Divine Father. One more thing worth contemplating is the complexity of this system which is directly proportional to th...

Vicious Circle of Pooja and Rituals

G ods in hindu mythology have always been accorded the highest pedestal of respect and reverence. All hindus are sacrosant for their feelings and emotions for Gods and godesses. I wonder in how many forms these people worship the same eternal and immortal entity. I believe we hindus and Indians in particular are an inveterate followers. We start following , copying and if i try to be euphemistic , they try to emulate those who by sheer hard work, dedication and meditation have been successful in establishing a so-called connection with the GOD and have achieved "Nirvana". In our country, India, where there are as many as 18 languages and multitudes of cultures, we are never complacent in worshipping one GOD or one IDEAL. For a same hindu family, Lord Rama is equally important as Lord Krishna ( accorded high respect coz of GITA gyan he delivered), equally potent as Lord Hanuman (nobody can just ignore him), equally pure and "shubh" as Lord Ganesha (Ganapati Bapa Mori...

Spiralling Monotone of Life

U nlike Greek Philosophers, who opined that world sets in to more disordered form with each passing era, i believe in flip-side of this belief. I beleive LIFE becomes more ordered, better, improved than before everytime. Modern world view has surpassed old machine view, christian views of world. modern world view transcends everything as regards morality , ethics and principles. So is it not an irony.....if every passing era is replaced by a better ,ordered era then how about the negative picture delineated by great philosophers of the same positive era ? What intrigues me is this irony but one more thing that bothers me these days is MONOTONE every passing time is more ordered, systematic, better than before but if i look at my life, its kinda trapped in spiralling monotone .Every morning i wake up ,rush to office office,work for 9 odd hourz there , then come back home, totally drained, left with zilch of energy ,which is hardly sufficient to charge one to start something creative or ...