
Showing posts from 2016


REVISED SCHEME OF THE ENGINEERING SERVICES EXAMINATION  Stage-I : Engineering Services (Preliminary/Stage-I) Examination (Objective Type Papers) Paper-I : {Common for all Candidates}  General Studies and Engineering Aptitude Paper 2 hours duration 200 Marks (max.)  Paper-II : Engineering Discipline-specific Paper 3 hours duration 300 Marks (max.) Stage-I : Sub-Total 500 Marks (max.)  Minimum Qualifying Marks for each Paper should be at the discretion of the Commission.  Only those candidates qualifying at this Stage to be permitted to appear for Stage-II examination Stage-II : Engineering Services (Mains/Stage-II)) Examination (Conventional Type Papers)  Paper-I : Engineering Discipline-specific , 3 hours duration 300 Marks (max.)  Paper-II : Engineering Discipline-specific ,3 hours duration 300 Marks (max.)  Stage-II : Sub-Total 600 Marks (max.)  Stage-I + Stage-II Sub-Total 1100 Marks (max...

What matters most for cracking IES, GATE ?

For last few months, I am receiving spate of phone calls, emails from future aspirants of GATE & IES regarding what should be within us to crack it & even appear for such exams. Many aspirants are apprehensive whether they can clear these exams coz' they have less CGPA during graduation.  I am writing this to clear such doubts for my friends who are preparing for these exams. At this outset, I would like to give following advise to all who are preparing or planning to appear in these exams. 1. Do not think about past academic performance while preparing for these exams. What & how you will prepare will matter most.  2. Going for coaching is a personal decision but in one of my blogs I have mentioned that, if you prepare well from the standard text books, there is no need for spending money on coaching, Save your money for party later on when you get selected.  3. Forget about your 8 semesters of engineering studies, only 30% study with fu...