
Showing posts from August, 2014

My UPSC Engineering Services (IES) Interview

More than a year back I had an extraordinary opportunity to attend the so-called sacred and tough UPSC Interview board after clearing the gruelling written exam (in Gen Category- its always gruesome) . Since I was pretty excited about it and hence planned it well also. I booked a good hotel in the vicinity of UPSC and checked in to it a day before to settle in there. Since I was in job and had nobody to guide me, my plannings and preparations were all mine and since it made me successful I now think yes they were right.  I got up early that day had morning ablutions and got ready in ultra formal attire ! Light blue shirt and dark color trousers and a matching tie. I was looking as if I am heading towards my meeting as I usually do when in BHEL but this time it was something different- that was my rendezvous with UPSC !  I reached the venue quite early to see many veterans ( multiple timers) discussing what was asked last year and what mistakes they committed and how ...

FORTRAN Yearwise Questions -IES

2008 Which one of the following statements about FORTRAN is not correct? a. GO TO 999 b. CONTINUE 999 c. PRINT 999 d. DIMENSION A (999) 119. If A is greater than B then it is expressed in FORTRAN as: a. A > B b. AGTB c. A.GT.B d. AGT.B 2007 87. The arithmetic expression 2.4**3.0 will be computed by the FORTRAN compiler as: a. 2.4*2.4*2.4 b. 103.0 log 102.4 c. e3.0 log e2.4 d. 2.4*2.4*3.0 2006 58. Given J = 2, K = –4, A = –5, B = 0.4, C = 10.5 What are the values of the FORTRAN variables JIP = J*K + J**K, IVAL = A + B + C ? a. 15.3 and 5.9, respectively b. –7.83 and 5.9, respectively c. –7.83 and 5, respectively d. –8 and 5, respectively 2005 60. The initial contents of an array A are: A= [2 7 8 6 15 14 0 50 3] What would be the contents of the array A after executing the following segment of the FORTRAN code? DO 35 J = 1, T,1 TEMP = A(J) A(J) = A(J+2) A(J+1) = TEMP 35 CONTINUE a. A= [7 2 8 6 14 15 50 0 3] b. A= [8 6 2 7 0 50 15 14 3] c. A ...


FORTRAN @ Glance Declarations Syntax : ·    The type declaration statement indicates the type and name of the variable or constant (note the two colons between the type and the name of the variable or constant). Named constants must be declared with the parameter attribute: real, parameter:: pi = 3.1415927 ·    Like named constants, variables must be declared at the beginning of a program (or subprogram) in a type declaration statement: integer :: total real :: average1, average2 ! this declares 2 real values complex :: cx logical :: done character(len=80) :: line ! a string consisting of 80 characters ·       Constants can be assigned trivially to the complex number cx: cx = (1.0, 2.0) ! cx = 1.0 + 2.0i If you need to assign variables to cx, you need to use cmplx : cx = cmplx (1.0/2.0, -3.0) ! cx = 0.5 – 3.0i cx = cmplx (x, y) ! cx = x + yi The function cmplx is one of the intrinsic functions ·   ...

IES -Operation difficulties in centrifugal pumps (Common Question )

This is common question asked in UPSC ESE regarding centrifugal pump in Assertion-Reason format. Have a look... a)    Pump fails to pump the fluid. Cause &  Remedial Measures 1) Improper priming due to leakage of foot valve or incomplete filling.    Repair or replace the foot valve, prime completely. 2) Head more than des ign head  Reduce the head or change the pump 3) Clogging of impeller, suction pipe or strainer  Clean the suspected part 4) Suction lift may be excessive Reduce the height of pump above the sump 5) Speed more than design speed Connect another prime mover of higher speed 6) Direction of rotation of impeller is wrong Change the direction. B) Pump does not give the required capacity a) Leakage of air through the suction pipeor through the gland packing Stop the leakage  b) Damage to some parts of the pump bywear & tear Replace the damaged parts c) Clogging of impeller passa...

UPSC IES -Nuclear Tech Solved Questions

Past IES Questions –Nuclear Tech (Solved) With Detailed explanations and notes which I prepared for my exam. Keep reading, keep testing. 24. The energy produced by 4-5 tons of high grade coal is equivalent to the energy produced by (A) 1 kg of Uranium (B ) 1 gram of Uranium (C) 100 grams of Uranium (D) 10 grams of Uranium Fact: A kilogram of uranium-235 (U-235) converted via nuclear processes releases approximately three million times more energy than a kilogram of coal burned conventionally (7.2 × 10 13 joules per kilogram of uranium-235 versus 2.4 × 10 7 joules per kilogram of coal). [ 25. Enriched Uranium is one in which (A) Percentage of U235 has been artificially increased (B) Percentage of U238 has been artificially increased (C) Percentage of U234 has been artificially increased (D) Extra energy is pumped from outside 26. Which one of the following statements is not correct ? (A) Fusion is the combination of heavy ...

UPSC Engineering Services- English Vocab Questions (GAT)

This is summary of Vocabulary asked in ESE in past decade which I prepared during my preparations. This may serve as a ready reckoner and a check list. Have fun... 2010 BEMOAN : To express grief, disapproval, deplore PROSAIC : Lacking in imagination and spirit; dull OMINOUS: portending evil or harm ; foreboding; threatening; inauspicious ELOQUENT : Characterized by persuasive, powerful discourse FRAIL : fragile, weak DERELECT : 1. Run-down; dilapidated  2. Neglectful of duty or obligation; remiss INJUNCTION : a command, directive, or order  (legal) IMPLORE : To beg for urgently; entreat , beseech GROTESQUE : ludicrous or incongruous distortion ; Outlandish or bizarre PERTINENT : having precise or logical relevance ; apt; germane (suitable, relevant & appropriate) PAROCHIAL : religious; narrow-minded; provincial  ( a parochial outlook) FICKLE   : liable to change; unstable, capricious (fickle minded) ; ...